- A lightweight, non-toxic lubricant that is applied to the sides of the bulb base before placing it into its socket to ensure smooth installation and removal.
- Works on any type of bulb or lamp.
- A solution to the costly and hazardous problems that occur during the installation and removal of light bulbs and lamps.
- Is not silicone based. Silicone products can dry out and cause more problems.
- The silky texture makes BULB EZ easy to apply and control.
- Non-toxic, non-corrosive, odorless and environmentally safe.
- The perfect tool for anyone installing light bulbs or lamps in all types of environments.
It's a must to have for:
- Households
- Hospitals
- Schools
- Office Buildings
- Industrial Buildings
- Restaurants
- Hotels
- Government and Military Facilities
- Parks and Recreation Areas
- Any Facility with Lighting
#10450 - 1/2 oz. #11460 -
1 oz. #10416
- 16 oz.
#10480 - Pads
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of their respective owners.